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来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:29:27   


例如在初二下期我设计了一个难度适合初中生的探究型作业,题目是“Which is the better place for animals to live in,the forest or the zoo? Why? What should we do to protect animals?”生以小组为单位先通过习讨论,确定了课题所需的资料和展示手法,根据个人的特长进行分工,他们通过杂志、百科全书、互联网查询和收集资料,通过讨论、比较,进而形成自己的观点,并撰写稿件,准备展示资料。在汇报课上,他们图文并茂地介绍了森林和动物园的特点,动物不同的生存条件,以及不同环境对动物的影响,然后再发表自己的观点。一组生边展示图片,边发言说:“If the animals live in the forest, they have large land. They are free. They can run, jump, play with their chidren and catch other animals for food. They will not change their animal characters. They are happy. If the animals live in a zoo, most of them can only live in small cages. They have nothing to do every day. They can only walk round and round. When they are tired, they sleep. They can not be happy. So I think it's better for animals to live in the forest. And we mustn't destroy the forests.And we mustn't eat wild animals, either,e.g. frogs, wild birds, snakes, deer and so on. Let them be far from our tables. We should protect the animals and their living enviroment to make them live happily.

另一组生持不同观点,他们谈到“It's not good for animals to live in the forest.They can't often find food, so they often feel hungry. If they are ill in the forest, they can not get good care. They will die. And they are often in danger. Some animals will be eaten by big animals or be shot by hunters. For these reasons, some kinds of animals are getting fewer and fewer.(出示一组濒临灭绝的动物数据)People are worried about them. But if they live in the zoo, they can have enough food. They can get good care in many ways. They can have more and more babies by artificial propagation(人工繁殖). They will be happy. So I think it's better for animals to live in the zoo. But I think the zoos in our country are not big enough. We should build much bigger zoos and wildlife parks for animals to live more freely.”像这样的探究性作业即符合

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