关键字: 所属栏目:


来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:14:47   

(2) 把生分组,6 人一组,各组推举一名组长。生以组为单位交流生活中各自最反感的事情,并简要说明为什么这些事情令人反感。组长负责把那些提及次数较多的事情记录下来。

(3) 全班一起活动。各组长汇报讨论结果,师在黑板上列出各组提及的情况。

(4) 把黑板上列出的情况分配给各个小组,每个小组 2-3 种情况。要求各组讨论现实中遇到这些情况如何处理。比如,某个人喜欢不经允许翻阅别人的东西,我们如何在不伤害他的情况下让他意识到问题并逐渐改正。

(5) 各小组根据讨论结果做一份简单的单页报告(leaflet),比如:

What if someone pats you on the shoulder from behind?

    ● Tell him you don't like this.

● Tell him you are frightened when he does so.

● Ask him how he would feel if other people do the same to him.What if someone enters your room without knocking at the door?

● Explain why you think he should knock before coming in.

● Always lock your door from inside.

(6) 各组派一名代表向全班生汇报他们制作的单页报告。

(7) 把各组做的单页报告贴在本班的墙报上。


(2) 内容生活化

内容生活化,即把内容与生活实际相结合,通过生活化内容来训练生的听说读写译技能,使语言技能训练的内容和形式尽可能贴近生活、贴近真实的语言交际,有目的地组织综合运用英语的活动,提高生在真实语境中运用语言的能力,真正地以生活中的英语来激发生的兴趣。如把机场的英语播音作为生听力的训练材料,从国外收集的各种真实的语言素材(Authentic Materials),如:图片、广告、路标、地图、旅游手册、报刊杂志、说明书、材、各类宣传小册子等原汁原味的材料分门别类,编成生活实用英语校本课程材料,作为“杂食”,让生“品尝”。部分课程内容如下:

Classroom Codes of Conduct

Each classroom is used by two classes per day──one in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Please respect your fellow students.

1) Please do not eat or drink in the classrooms.

2) Please ensure that when you leave the classroom all scrap pieces of paper, unfinished worksheets, etc. have been tided away.

3) Please close the windows and turn off the lights at the end of the day.


5) Please do not come to class late. Any students arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to join that class and will have to wait for the next one. Thank you.

6) In order to avoid disruption to other students, the use of mobile telephones is prohibited in the classroom. Would all students who have mobile telephones please switch them off before going into the classroom.

Notes to all Students: You can borrow these books while you are in the school. However, if you want to take one home, please sign it out in the book below.

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