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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  更新时间:2008-08-12 08:36:47   

一. 语法练习与操练

1.  从a到the


Level: Lower-intermediate and above

Time: 45-60 minutes

Language: Use of definite and indefinite articles

Procedure: 1. Learners work in pairs and write down all the rules concerning the use of articles they can remember.

2. They put the lists aside and write a text on a given everyday subject, for example ‘Mr Smith’s last holiday’, in which they apply all the rules they have remembered. Make sure that the texts are correct both in terms of general language and in the use of articles.

3. All the texts are displayed on the wall. Still in the same pairs, learners walk around and read other texts, ticking off on their lists those rules that are exemplified.

2.     我知道老师干了什么

该活动练习现在完成时。学生先以自己的老师为提问对象, 以老师所作的事为内容,用现在完成时造疑问句,并可在得到老师肯定回答时,为自己计分。活动构思较新颖,有一定的竞赛性。随着后来学生之间类似问答的展开,所练内容和语法概念也得以发展。师生平等参与,有利促进友谊和教学。

3.     随机对比




Level: Elementary

Time:  20-30minutes

Language: Simple present


1)Draw a circle on the board.

2) Tell the learners they are going to build this into a character.

3) Ask them first of all weather it’s a man or a woman.

4) Continue to ask questions to build up the physical representation on the board. For example, Does he have a moustache? Is he fat? Does she have a big nose?

5) Continue to ask questions (but without adding to the drawing) about where the person lives, their job, interests, family, and so on, and point out any apparent contradictions, for example, Well, if he is so interested in sport, how come he’s fat? She’s only 28 and she’s got ten children?

Variation: Reverse the roles. Now learners ask you questions enabling you to build up a character. Ask a student to introduce or revise comparisons, for example, No, he’s not that tall, or Her hair’s longer than that. 

Remarks: The drawing on the board helps to suggest a character and serves as the basis for the subsequent work. As learners come up with suggestions, the pace increases and the learners themselves point out contradictions and suggest alternatives. 

5.我的祖国 / 居住区


Level: Elementary.

Time: 20 minutes.

Language: can (possibility)


1) Learners get into groups according to where they live. Two or three is probably best.

2) Explain to the learners that there will be a competition to choose which is the best country or district to live in from the point of view of the facilities it offers.

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