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Choosing Sobriety

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:53:11   

Today I'd like to share the topic of sobriety with you. Then what does sobriety mean? In my opinion, it is to live with conciousness, aims and diligence; which can make us more lovely, more active. However, in the modern time the personal desires and all sorts of temptations have deeply affected a lot of young people in our city, and they have gradually lost this precious sobri-ety.

Look at the middle school students living on Spice Girl CDs and computer games. They don't know how to study now and how to work after growing up. All they would like to know is where to shop, where to skate.

Look at the teenagers wandering along the streets all day long! They prefer to live on chat, wine and flashy clothes rather than live on books, newspapers and significant talks. They never care about their future, and all they value is the brief "happiness" and stimulant.

As a result, lots of youth bury themselves in Disco plazas for whole nights. As a result, boys and girls keep an extreme indiffer-ence to the virtue and vice in our society. As a result, a certain portion of teenagers have forgotten the words of our national an-them, however, they do remember February 14th is Lover's Day. As a result, some of my fellow students became so sparing when required to contribute money to the flood-stricken areas, but so generous when shopping before their girlfriends or boyfriends.

They often boast they know the best way of life.

Is that true?

Just look at a completely different group. A student graduat-ing from my school, Wang Fasheng. The total income of his fami-ly is merely 200 yuan a month, but he never thought of dropping out, never stopped working hard, and finally his efforts paid off. He entered Nankai University for further education.

The youth born in 1970s are satirized as "a generation of sleepers". But Yujie,a student in Peking University, keeps paying a close attention to the social changes and the civilians' lives. He has been wise and sober enough to discuss freedom and might, in-dividual and country, knowledge and independence, and other se-rious subjects in the form of essays. He aroused people's ponderation over history, reform and traditions.

Now, let's wait and see. Whose future is brighter? Whose way of life is acceptable? The former group or the latter one? The answer is self-evident.

We belong to such a special times. It can make us much better; it can also make us much worse. And what you do, what you will be is up to yourself. As a human being, we should be able to master ourselves; we should try our best to fulfil our destiny.

So, just choose sobriety, for it promises a better life.


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