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My School Life and After-school Activities

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:53:45   

My name is Sun Zheng. I come from No. 1 Middle School of Shi Jiazhuang. Our School has a good reputation for its excellent teachers, good teaching facilities and also for its talented students, such as me. That is a joke. Now, my topic is "something about my school life and after school-activities. " There are lots of things to talk about.

It has become a trend nowadays that more and more girls choose to go to a literary class. At least this is true in our school. You see, there are forty-nine girls out of sixty-five in my class, three times as many as boys. Luckily the monitor of the class is a boy, who tries his best to protect the legal rights of his male patri-ots and fights against those extreme feminists who sometimes suf-fer from "female chauvinism". He is supported by his buddies and they like to call him boss. You want to know who this boy is? Well, he is right standing here talking to you. Yeah, it's me.

Sometimes it can be tiring to be a monitor, for I have to do a lot of work and attend many meetings. However, being a monitor has taught me a lot, such as caring for others and taking responsi-bilities. When my class was given the title of "Model Class" , I was prouder than ever before. So being a monitor plays an important part in my school life.

It is convenient for me to take part in all kinds of after-class activities because I board at school. What I enjoy most is playing football. I used to be guard in the class team. But after I kicked the ball into our goal in a match last month, they never allow me to play with the team again. Now I have been promoted to be the coach── assistant coach to be exact. And my job is to pick up the ball when it's kicked out of the field.

I often call on the Australian teachers in our school who lives right near our dormitory. One Sunday I invited them to my home. My parents cooked the traditional Chinese food── dumpling for them and we taught them how to make dumplings and how to use chopsticks. I learned a lot of western customs from them. For example, when we have dinner in a restaurant to-gether, it's quite all right to go Dutch instead of vying to pay the bill. And when I say to them "Come for dinner when you have time "just to be polite, they will take it seriously and ask "When?" Anyway,! enjoy making friends with them.

My school life and after-school activities are very rich and in-teresting. I have many more to tell you, but unfortunately it is time that I conclude my speech.


This article chooses some interesting and typical things in his daily life so that the listeners can have a deep impression about his school life. The language is humorous and oral.



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