二、高考英语听力测试的题型及内容 目前高考听力测试分值为30分,共20题,时间为20分钟,共分两节。第一节为5段简短对话,每段对话后有一小题,每题有3个选项,每题1.5分。每段材料仅放一遍。第二节共15小题,每题1.5分,要求考生根据所听的5段较长的对话或独白,从每题的3个选项中选出最佳选项,每段材料听两遍。听力测试中的材料内容涉及生活的方方面面,问题的设置多为wh-question。考查的内容有以下四个方面。 (一)概括谈话主旨 任何一段对话都要围绕一个话题或一个中心思想来展开并贯穿整个对话或独白,它可以用一个或几个词或一个短语或一句来概括,此类题要求考生听懂并对材料的内容作出归纳和概括。 如NMET2001第3题: What can we learn from the man from the conversa-tion? A.He's anxious to see his sister. B.He wrote to his sister last month. C.He's expecting a letter from his sister. 录音原文: M:I haven't heard from my sistersince last month. W:Don't worry, Charlie. Letters from the United States can be slow sometimes. 对话中,两个人在谈论的是有两个月没有收到妹妹的信了,因此符合逻辑的是“期待”。对话中的don't worry有可能让一些考生误选A答案中的anxious。但是如果注意接下来的信息:Letters from the United States can be slow sometimes。那么就能听懂要义,选准答案C。 (二)捕捉人物、时间、地点、数字等具体信息 为了说明和解释主旨大意,对话或独白材料中会出现一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物和数字等。这些细节是把握对话的主旨必不可少的内容,也是听力考试的重点项目。 如NMET2001第1题: Where did this conversation mostly take place? A.At a concert B.At a flower shop C.At a restaurant 录音原文: M:The music and flower are lovely. W:Yes, I hope the food is good, too. 从对话中可以听出他们是在餐厅里,因为在餐馆里常常有音乐和鲜花的环境。那女士说的意思是音乐和鲜花都很美,同时希望有佳肴。因此答案为C。 (三)推断对话或独白的背景和双方关系 此类题考查考生根据对话或独白所提供的有关信息,对对话或独白的背景,说话者所处的场合,谈话者的身份及关系进行推断的能力。 如NMET2002第16题: What do you know about the woman? A. She's the man's wife. B. She's a business manager. C. She's a company secretary. 录音原文: M: What does our programme look like for to-morrow? W: Let's see. A meeting with Bill Lyons at ten in the mornig, and all the paper work is ready. Then, a trip to the National Lab at three P.M And at seven in the evening we're having dinner with Mr. Cooper, manager of LG Company. M: Another busy day. But please don't plan anything for Saturday. I'm going to watch basketball with my family. 从对话中说话人的语气判断,女士在向男士陈述第二天的工作安排,根据常识,这事一般是由秘书来做的。对话中最后一句But please don't plan any-thing for Saturday. I'm going to watch basketball with my family.也表明男士是女士的上司,因为这种口气只有老板对员工才有。因此答案为C。 (四)判断说话人的观点和态度 常言“听话听音,锣鼓听声”,说话者总会有说话的意图,有时这意图观点是明说出来的,有时则隐藏在字里行间,需要考生自己去揣摩、推断。这类考题的问题常可设置为:What will the man do this evening? What can we know about the woman? What is the most probable result of the conversation? What's the man's attitude towards……?等。 例如 NMET2002第12题。 设问: Why does the man thank the woman? A. She has helped him with his problem. B. She has invited him for coffee. C. She has agreed to see him onMonday. 录音原文: M: Thank you very much, Miss Tims. That helped me a lot. W: I'm glad I could be of some help, Carlos. Let me know if you have any more questions later. M: I will. And thank you for giving up your coffee break to help. I know you need one after teaching three classes. W: Oh, I dont't mind. Teaching is what I love most. M: Well, goodbye. And thanks again. W: You're welcome, Carlos. See you in class Monday. 从开始感谢的话可以判断:Thank you very much. That helped me a lot.后又提到为帮助我牺牲了喝咖啡的时间,因此可以判断他感谢她是因为她帮他解决了问题,所以答案选A。 [1] [2] [3]