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109 killing

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:57:28   

make a killing

If someone makes a killing, they make a large profit very quickly and easily.

The boss of Britain's top pizza concern made a killing on the market yesterday by selling off a parcel of his shares.

will crack down on speculators who try to make a killing on the by exploiting advance knowledge of poll results. 


shake the foundations of something

If someone or something shakes the foundations of a society or a system of beliefs, or shakes it to its foundations, they cause great uncertainty and make people question their most deeply held beliefs. Other verbs with a similar meaning can be used instead of `shake'.

The new era is shaking the foundations of all Russia's cultural landmarks.

When an American head of state and head of is forced to resign, the country is shaken to its foundations.

The music industry was rocked to its foundations last night when it was revealed that the Midlands' top Tamworth was to close.


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