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011 corners

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:54:57   

cut corners 

If you cut corners, you save time, money, or effort by not following the correct procedure or rules for doing something.

Don't try to cut any corners as you'll only be making work for yourself later on.

We have to cut corners in order to keep the discussion reasonably clear.

He accused the Home Office of trying to save money by cutting corners on security.

You can refer to this activity as corner cutting.

It was the Chief Inspector for Police who said that the present working culture was `shot through with corner cutting and expediency'.

Corner-cutting contractors build tiny classrooms and narrow corridors.

the four corners of the world 

the four corners of the earth

You can use the four corners of the world or the four corners of the earth to refer to all the different parts of the world, especially the parts that are the furthest away from you. Other nouns referring to areas of land can be used instead of `world' or `earth'.

A foreign correspondent makes his friends in all four corners of the world.

Italy has sent 5,000 soldiers to the four corners of the earth to play their part in peace-keeping and crisis-management operations.

Young people came from the four corners of the nation in search of new ideas.


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