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I Like My City

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:53:28   

As soon as I have chosen this topic, I feel really excited, be-cause that is just what I want to say: I like my city, Xi'an!

Xi'an is an old city. Its ancient civilization and culture have attracted many people from all over the world. There are many places of interests. You may have already heard of the Eighth Marvel of the world——the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses. When you visit Xi'an, you can also visit the Big Wild Goose Pago-da and the Small Wild Goose Pagoda. The Collection of Steles is also famous. And the Drum Tower, the Bell Tower ""to save time, I'm not going to mention all the famous places in Xi'an.

The most remarkable and regrettable thing is that no one knows when, Xi'an, once the greatest city in the world, with its ancient civilization, came to silence. Thus it is quite natural that the foreigners often say Xi'an is the paradise of culture but the desert of economy. However, the Xi'an people are not willing to just sleep on their glorious heritage. In the past few years, the ap-pearance of Xi'an has been completely changed. No longer will you see the dirty narrow roads. No longer will you see the old and shabby houses everywhere. Instead, you will see wide and clean roads with beautiful trees standing on both sides. You will see more and more tall buildings reflecting the sunshine. In the center of Xi'an you will be able to enjoy yourself in any of the stores. For example, the Min Sheng Department Store, the Kai Yuan Shopping Center, the Century Giwa Shopping Center and so on. You will also be able to taste all kinds of food there, for example, the dumplings and the Kentucky Fried Chicken.

People's life in Xi'an is also becoming more and more conve-nient. You can telephone your friends with an 1C card wherever you want. You can also get on a bus easily for there are bus stops everywhere. And you can also take a taxi, and of course, the cost will be proper.

Thanks to the reform policies of our Comrade Den Xiaoping, Xi'an's dedicated people are creating their wonderful future with their own hands. It is undoubtedly that in the 21st century, Xi'an, this old city, will rise up.

It'll be my happiest dream, that one day, Xi'an will become a highly developed city, both in culture and in economy. ' It'll also be my happiest dream, that one day, Xi'an will take the place of New York and become the Brilliant Metropolis.

It'll also be my happiest dream, that one day, when being asked this question: where are you from? We Xi'an people will give a resounding and proud answer: "I'm from the world-famous city——Xi'an".



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