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来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:16:11   

Tim:OK.Here you are.

Li Shan:Thanks.

南昌市 200l—2002 年度第一期期末终结性试卷,初三英语:(I) 听录音中 (C) 听录音三遍,根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空一词。

15.Christmas is always on the ___________ day every year.

16. ________ ready for Christmas is hard work.

17.People begin to be busy for Christmas several ________ before it.

18.Children can receive many Christmas __________.

19._________ can sell many things in their shops during the holidays.

20.In Britain,the day after Christmas is for ________.

这种根据短文补充句子的听力类型,做简单的笔记是很重要的。但无疑还是要先浏览题目。根据所给出的 6 个不完整句子,我们可以预测以下的信息:

本篇短文是有关 Christmasd的,问题 15 是关于圣诞在每一年的哪个日子,这是我们听时针对 15 所带的目的。16说到为圣诞节做准备是项艰苦的工作,通过 ________ ready for 的结构我们可以猜到所填词应是 Getting。17 的选项提示我们听时所带目的是人们要为圣诞忙碌多长时间。18 的选项提示孩子们在圣诞节可以收到些什么物品。19 的问题是在假日期间,谁可以在店里买出许多东西。20 的问题是在 Britain,圣诞之后的一天是干什么的。带着这些目的,我们来听,同时做好适当笔记(关于问题的):On the same day every year to get ready for it five or six weeks shopkeepers 1ike a lot of nice presents the day of sports (附—为记录下的词)。再通过第二遍来确认下答案。15应是所记录的same。16 应是 get 进行的改变Getting。17 应是 weeks。18 应是 presents。19 应是 Shopkeepers。20 应是 sports。其中针对 16 很多生会直接写 Get 是没有注意到结构。19 有很多生忘了加“s”没有注意到复数形式。而 17 是需要替换的,不是直接听 five or six weeks 在一定程度上也就是 several weeks。

(附听力材料见 2001—2002 年度第一期期末试卷答案)

Christmas is one of the most important festivals in Britain.It's always on the same day every year──December 25th.Everybody in Britain enjoys Christmas. But it's really hard work to get ready for it. People begin to get ready five or six weeks before Christmas Day. Shopkeepers like Christmas very much because it's a very good time for them to sell many things in their shops. Children also like Christmas very much. They can have a lot of nice presents to receive. Everybody gets two or three holidays for Christmas. In Britain, the day after Christmas is the day of sports, and many people go out to watch football games. But most people stay at home and have a lazy day.

南昌市 2003──2004 年度第一期期末终结性测试卷初二应英语,(I) 听录音中的 (D) 听录音三遍。根据短文内容完成句子,每空一词。

20.It was ______ that day.

21.Li Lei was going to the ________ when he saw a little girl sitting on the road.

22.The 1ittle girl could not _______ her mother.

23.Then Li Lei ________ the girl to the nearest police station.

24.When they ______ to the police station, the girl's mother was in it.

25.The mother was very _______ and she thanked Li Lei again and again.

通过预读,我们可以猜测到这是一篇小女孩走失,Li Lei 送其去警察局的文章,问题 20 是需要知道这天是什么日子?这就是我们针对 20 所带的目的。21 说的是当 Li Lei 看见小女孩坐在路边时,通过 going to the _______ 的结构,我们可以猜到所填的应该是个地点,Li Lei 正在去哪里的路上?22 女孩不能干什么? 23 需猜 Li Lei 和女孩是如何去警察局的?24 根据 Li Lei 和女孩到警察局,妈妈正在那儿。可推测填“到达”的单词。25 通过女孩妈妈对 Li Lei 谢了又谢,反映了妈妈心情如何?带着这些问题,我可做如下笔记:It was Sunday\went to cinema\could not find\took the girl to get there\how happy 再通过第二遍来确认以下答案:20 应该是 Sunday,21 应该是 cinema,22 应该是 find,23 应该是 took,24 应该是 got,25 应该是 happy。

(附听力材料见 2003──2004 年度初二第一期期末试卷答案)

It was Sunday.Li Lei went to the cinema.Near the cinema he saw a little girl sitting on the road.He went up to her and asked what was wrong with her.The girl said she could not find her mother.Li Lei then took the girl to the nearest police station.When they got there,the girl's mother was talking to a policewoman.How happy she was to see her daughter! She thanked Li Lei again and again.

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