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来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:53:16   

Standing here, I'm a little nervous, for I'm in a competition, a competition of English level. Well, since I've come to the point, why not say something about competition?

Competition reminds me of a soul-stirring fight between a mother monkey and a crocodile. The crocodile caught her baby when the baby was drinking water in a pool. In the end, the mother got her baby, but her baby's body only. She lost her child for ever, just for a mouthful of water.

Such is competition, cruel and merciless. But if we see the other side of the coin, we'll find competition is also necessary and inevitable. Could it be said that the mother should not take her baby to the pool but let thirst bring it to death in that dry sea-son? Of course not.

"Survival of the fittest". This is the law that works both in nature and in human society. As a human being, if you don't fit competitions, you'll be eliminated like dinosaurs. Competitions af-fect people of all occupations: As an athlete, you may lose the races, however, what urges you to dash forward is the gold medals. As a merchant, you may be dead broke after a deal, however, before the deal, you think more about the profit it makes. As a worker, you may face up to several disturbing problems such as the so-called "Xiagang", however, once you make up your mind, once you resort to competition, you'll certainly find some way out.

As the development of economy, competition is getting more common, more important, and more heated. If eager to find your-self a suitable place, you must, you have to compete, compete and compete. Nobody but yourself can be relied on. Not long ago, col-lege graduates used to wait for jobs assigned by the government. But nowadays, they've been ready to compete aggressively for their aims. From them, I can see a good sense of competition?an active attitude to life, and an ability to fit in with this changing world.

We middle school students are often proud of our identity:

kings of the 21st century. However, pride is not equal to success. All we teenagers have to do is learning to take an active part in competitions. For both the individual and the country, we ought to do some primitive accumulations. We must have such a philoso-phy of life: I would rather die than be a mediocre one.

Competition, in my mind, is somewhat like the sea, charming but full of danger. To conquer the sea, we'd better use our heads, use our hands, and so is the key of participating in competitions.

Look! What wonderful scenery in the sea! How joyful the people are swimming and sailing! Hey, boys and girls, why not have a try? To be a brave swimmer and sailor? To be the master of the sea, the master of your own? To be swifter, higher and stronger!


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