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The Plan Which The Lesson Will Follow 宣布教学目的

来源:互联网  作者:佚名  更新时间:2005-11-30 10:59:40   

        Now let‘s begin (the class). / Let’s go.


     We‘re going to have a new lesson today. We shall first read and explain the new words. Then we shall read
     the text.   


     Today we shall study the next first, then I’ll ask you question. If time permits, we shall have a short dictation.

     今天我们先读课文, 然后提问。如果时间许可,我们就进行一小段听写。

     Today the class will be conducted in this way: First we‘ll go over the text. Then we’ll do Pattern Drill 2 with the    
     substitutes. And finally we‘ll do some written exercise.


     Today we shall have aural comprehension. I shall read the material three times. After that you will retell the
     story. Don’t write down anything while I‘m reading, but listening to me attentively. You can use your own      
     words in your retelling.


     Today I’ll give you a short for silent reading. You‘ll be given 20 minutes for reading without the help of the
     dictionary. After that you will answer some questions.


     Today we’ll have listening practice. After that we‘ll sum up the uses & the definite article.


     Today we’ll have an end-of-the-unite text. Get out your exercise books.

     今天进行单元测验, 请拿出练习本。

     During the text no one is allowed to ask any questions. Ask me now if you have any question.



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