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The match girl

来源:互联网  作者:佚名  更新时间:2005-11-30 10:57:37   

   The match girl
旁白:It’s winter .It’s cold. Some children are playing on the street.
Girls: Rain ,rain , go away; Come again , another day ; Tom and May ,want to play.
Match girl: Match , match ,who want match?
Girl 1 : Look!
Girl 2 : She’s ugly.
Girl 3 : She ‘ dirty.
Girl 4 : She’s poor.
Girl 5 : Don’t play with her.
Girls : Let’s go.
Match girl : No . Don’t run away .Please play with me.
Match girl : Rain ,rain go away ,come again ,another day .
(说) I ‘m alone . No one wants to play with me.
I ‘m a match girl.
Gand L: It’s delicious. Thank you . See you next time.
Match girl : Sir ,Sir , do you want some matches ?
Madam ,Madam ,buy some matches ,please .
Sir : Dirty dog . Go away !
Match girl : I ‘m hungry . I ‘m cold . My daddy is waiting for me at home.
Match girl : Roast Duck!?
Roast Ducks : One little , two little baby ducks; Three little ,four little baby ducks; Quack ,quack ,quack ,quack, quack , quack , quack , oh comes six little baby ducks.
Match girl : Don’t go away . Stay with me !
It’s so cold . I ‘m hungry.
Angel 1 : Look ,what’s the matter with her ?
Angels : Let’s help her .
Angel 2 : A poor girl !
Angels : Hello !
Match girl : Who are you ?
Angels : We ‘re angels .
Match girl : You ‘re angels ! You can turn my dreams into reality!
Angels : Yes ,we can . Speak out your dreams. You have three chances.
Match girl : I want to play with you .
Angels :OK.
Match girl : I want to dance with Roast Duck.
( Roast Duck 出来,唱跳)
Match girl : I miss my grandmother .
(Grandmother 出现,伸出双手)
Grandmother : My dear , come here !
Match girl : Grandmother ,oh ,it’s you .
Grandmother : Yes ,dear ,let’s go to the heaven ,that’s a good place, warm and happy.
Angel 1 : How is she ?
Angel 2 : She is sleeping .
Angel 3 : Is she an angel now ?
Angel 2 : Yes ,she is an angel ,too.
(Angels 围着小女孩轻唱 下)
Angels : Match girl , match girl …….

请五(6)班 朱 烨 小提琴伴奏
金华环城小学 吴 颖
2001年6月7 日凌晨1:30


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